
Thank you Silvio for your steadfast encouragement and creative fellowship. A little goes a long way.

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So insightful and well-written, Tai. These are precious thoughts, thank you for always finding the words to express them. Not an easy feat. Proud to have a human with such a beautiful mind as a friend. :)

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Writing, thinking, and communicating regarding the human spirit is a very mysterious process. It reminds me of the native American Navajo tribe whose weavings included deliberate mistakes because they believed such imperfections were the cracks that divine energy could enter through. Music, art, and poetry leave a lot of those cracks, and writing about spiritual matters can too as long as we remember it's the imperfections in our logic and our thinking that leave room for something of the spirit to descend. Your writing always has that element for me, poetic, musical, an invitation to enter the liminal space where real life happens. The precision of your words mark the doorway to the joy of ambiguity.

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Feb 9, 2023·edited Feb 9, 2023Author

Much gratitude Rick for the thoughtful sentiments and sharing the Navajo anecdotes. That in turn reminds me of the Japanese artistic practice kintsugi which repairs broken things with gold and the ethos of wabi-sabi honoring imperfection and transience. I particularly savor your phrase "doorway to the joy of ambiguity." To paraphrase Keith Critchlow, an artist, architect and teacher of sacred geometry, the divine is in the diagonal.

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What an interesting and daunting topic you chose Tai. My admiration for trying your hand at it, it's something I definitely struggle to convey and your points are helpful to start clarifying it and also as starting points to dive deeper.

This part in the outro: "If you are lost and seeking, I invite you to retrace those moments of maximal meaning in your life, connect those dots, and follow wherever they lead." gives me peace.

Let's just keep going!

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